Tag Archives: gwt

GWT: Changing from GWT-RPC to JSON with RestyGWT

GWT but with REST and JSON

My bigoquiz.com website uses my gwt-bigoquiz project, based on Java and GWT. One advantage of GWT is the serialization between the server and client. Using GWT-RPC, you can use the same Java classes on the server and the (compiled to JavaScript) browser client. (Well, at least when it works – when it doesn’t work it can be very hard to find out why). For instance, your Java service can have a getThing() method which your client code can call asynchronously, getting a Thing. It avoids duplication and avoids manually writing code to parse an intermediate format and recreate objects.

However, GWT-RPC ties you into using GWT on both the server and client. I would rather have a standard REST API that serves, and receives, JSON. I could then experiment with alternative implementations independently on the server side or the client side.

RestyGWT, together with Jersey, makes this quite easy. I have now ported gwt-bigoquiz from GWT-RPC to RestyGWT and Jersey. Here I describe how you might do that for your project.

You might also like to watch David Chandler’s talk about RestyGWT and Jersey at GWT.Create 2015 (slides, GitHub), which covers the same stuff in a little more detail, using slightly older versions.


We need to add the following dependencies to our pom.xml file, so we can use RestyGWT, Jersey, Jackson and the JAX-RS annotations.

I’ve added comments to explain why we need each dependency, based on my best guesses. Please let me know about any errors you find. pom.xml files too often just contain cargo-culted blocks of XML pasted from blog entries or StackOverflow answers, far removed from whoever first wrote them. Still, for later versions of these dependencies, or different environments, you might need a different combination of versions or different workarounds.

<!-- For JAX-RS annotations, such as @GET, @POST, @Path, @PathParam, @QueryParam, etc -->
	<!-- Note: 2.0 gives us a ClassNotFoundException about RxInvokerProvider when we try to GET from the URL. -->

<!-- For client-side code to query a REST/JSON server API. This uses methods and classes annotated with JAX-RS annotations, doing serialization/deserialization with Jackson. -->

<!-- For JSON serialization/deserialization based on the JAX-RS annotations. Used by RestyGWT on the client side. Also adds some annotations such as @JsonInclude and @JsonIgnore, -->

<!-- To serve REST/JSON queries of REST resources.
	 A <servlet> tag in the web.xml file indicates that Jersey should use certain classes as REST resources/servelets.
	 These REST resources/servlets use Java methods and classes annotated with JAX-RS and Jackson annotations.

	 jersey-container-servlet needs the Java Servlet API version 3, supported by the AppEngine Java 8 runtime (currently beta).
	 Alternatively, jersey-container-servlet-core needs the Java Servlet API version 2, supported by the AppEngine Java 7 runtime. -->

<!-- To let Jersey use Jackson. -->

<!-- Workaround this error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: InjectionManagerFactory not found. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/44546979/1123654 -->


We must edit some XML files so we can use RestyGWT and Jersey.

.gwt.xml Module file

Our .gwt.xml Module definition must mention RestyGWT inside the tag, so our client code can use RestyGWT.

<inherits name="org.fusesource.restygwt.RestyGWT"/>

web.xml file

We must add <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> tags in the web.xml file to state that Jersey should use our classes to serve REST resources as servlets.


Server-Side Code Changes

The REST Resource

The classes for our REST resources must be in the package specified in the web.xml file., where Jersey can find them. These correspond roughly to the *ServiceImpl classes, derived from GWT’s RemoteServiceServlet, that we used with GWT-RPC.

These classes don’t need to derive from any special base class or implement any special interface. They do need to be annotated with @Path to specify the first part of the name of the resource. For instance:

public class ThingResource {

We then annotate methods of the class with @GET or @POST and @Produces.

Without a @Path annotation on the method, the method matches the base path of the class. For instance, this might return all available Things, when a client GETs from the thing/ URL.

public Collection<Thing> get() {

We can use additional @Path annotations on the method. For instance, this might return a Thing with a matching Thing ID, when a client GETs from the thing/123 URL, for instance.

public Thing getById(@PathParam("id") String id) {

Note that the Java method name does not appear in the URL.

The ServletContext

In our GWT-RPC service classes, we could get the ServletContext via getServletConfig().getServletContext(). With our REST classes, we instead use the JAX-RS @Context attribute on a member field, like so:

ServletContext context;

Jersey apparently then assigns the context at runtime.

Client-Side Code Changes

With GWT-RPC, we had a client interface like this:

public interface ThingServiceAsync {
    void getThings(AsyncCallback<List<Thing>> async);

which we called like so:

AsyncCallback<List<Thing>> callback = new AsyncCallback<List<Thing>>() {
    public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

    public void onSuccess(List<Thing> result) {


With RestyGWT, we’ll instead have a client interface like this:

public interface ThingClient extends RestService {
    public void getThings(MethodCallback<List<Thing>> callback);
    public void getThing(@PathParam("id") String id, MethodCallback<Thing> callback);

And we’ll use it like so:

MethodCallback<List<Thing>> callback = new MethodCallback<List<Thing>>() {
    public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable caught) {

    public void onSuccess(Method method, List<Thing> result) {

ThingClient client = GWT.create(ThingClient.class);

So to change the GWT-RPC client code to RestyGWT client code, you only need to:

  • Create the client interface.
  • Use it instead of the GWT-RPC Async client class.
  • Change AsyncCallback to MethodCallback.
  • Add the Method parameter to onFailure() and onSuccess().


A method of a GWT-RPC service just takes Java parameters. But for a REST service, you need to decide whether these are path parameters, or query parameters. For instance, if the URL is /things/123?color=blue then there is one path parameter (123), and one query parameter (color, with value blue). You would indicate this in your service class like so, using the JAX-RS attributes:

public Thing getById(@PathParam("thing-id") String thingId, @QueryParam("color-id") String colorId) {

and in the client interface like so:

public interface ThingClient extends RestService {
    public void getThing(@PathParam("thing-id") String thingId, @QueryParam("color-id") String colorId, MethodCallback<Thing> callback);

Ignoring some Getters

Not all get methods should result in items in the JSON. You can avoid this with the Jackson @JsonIgnore annotation. For instance:

public class Thing {

    public getIrrelevantStuff() {

Ignoring null and empty objects

To keep your JSON small, you can use Jackson’s @JsonInclude attribute to stop Jersey from writing name/value pairs with null or empty values. Of course this can obscure the JSON format by hiding its possible contents. For instance:

public class Thing {

You might choose to use NON_NULL rather than NON_EMPTY.

Adding Setters

If our REST GET method returns an instance of Thing, Jersey will serve a JSON string based on any public get*() methods that take no parameters, and the public fields. So, this class,

public class Thing {
    public String id;
    public getStuff() {

would produce JSON like this, recursing into contained class instances:

  "id": "123",
  "stuff" {
     "foo": true,
     "bar": 789

However, if there are no corresponding setter functions, such as setStuff(), RestyGWT (or Jackson, which it uses) will silently ignore these parts of the JSON when deserializing the JSON into a client-side Java instance. If there is a way to detect this at runtime, I’d like to know about it.

This makes it particularly important to test the serialization and deserialization. For instance:

public void ThingJsonTest() throws IOException {
    // The Jackson ObjectMapper:
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    // Get the JSON for an object:
    Thing objToWrite = new Thing();
    // etc.
    final String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(objToWrite);

    // Get an object from the JSON: 
    Thing obj = objectMapper.readValue(json, Thing.class);
    assertEquals(2, obj.getFoo());
    // etc.

Removing the GWT-RPC code

Once everything is working, we can remove the unused GWT-RPC classes and configuration:

  • The ThingService interface, which extends RemoteService.
  • The ThingServiceAsync interface.
  • The ThingServiceImpl class.
  • The <servlet> and <servlet-mapping> tags from web.xml

BigOQuiz: C++ Standard Library Algorithms

I’ve reworked bigoquiz.com, which I created a few weeks ago. to allow multiple quizzes instead of just the default quiz about the Big-O complexity of algorithms and data structures. For some quizzes it also now offers reversed questions, asking you for the question that matches the answer.

For instance, there is now a C++ Standard Algorithms quiz. You could, for instance, check that you know the descriptions of the Sort Operations functions. Or you could check that you know the names of those Sort Operations functions based on their descriptions (or as multiple-choice). Maybe this is one way to get more familiar with the many standard C++ algorithms that we often don’t realize are available. I hope this helps me as I strive to use “no raw loops“.

As before, you can track your progress in each section of the quiz, and identify problem questions that you keep getting wrong.


I’ve also added a Design Patterns quiz, based on the patterns mentioned in the Head-First Design Patterns book.

The user profile page also now shows overall statistics for all the quizzes that you’ve tried.



Big-O Quiz: An experiment with Google AppEngine


screenshot_bigoquiz_webOver the last few weeks I’ve been working on bigoquiz.com. I wanted to learn the Big-O algorithmic complexity of the main algorithms and data structures by heart. So, of course, I first built a system to help me do that.

bigocheatsheet.com and bigoref.com already do a good job of listing the information, but bigoquiz.com lets you check that you really know each one, and shows you the ones you keep getting wrong.

Tech I learned along the way

I find it very hard to resist a project when I see that it would let me play with multiple new things. This one was a chance to learn about:


I noticed that bigoref.com had some corrections and additions compared to bigcheatsheet.com. And I made some additions of my own. I’ve listed it all here for anybody who is interested:

For instance,  bigoref.com adds Graph Search algorithms such as Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford (missing from bigocheatsheet.com), under “Searching“. I instead listed the graph search algorithms in bigoquiz.com under “Graph Search”  and added more graph algorithms that I’d learned about recently in my Coursera course, though I’m tempted to create a completely different graph algorithms quiz: Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree, Floyd Warshall All Pairs Shortest Path, and Johnson’s All Pairs Shortest Path.

bigoref.com also adds linear and binary search of arrays (missing from bigocheatsheet.com). For bigoquiz.com I just split Array into sorted and unsorted in “Data Structure Operations”.

I found just one error on bigoquiz.com that was corrected on bigoref.com, though there might be others:

And I noticed that bigoref.com has some additional errors so I corrected those on bigoquiz.com and  filed github issues for bigoref:


  • bigocheatsheet.com has entries for Stack, but bigoref.com does not. I kept that in bigoquiz.com.
  • bigoref.com has entries for Ternary Search Tree, apparently a kind of Trie (Prefix Tree), but bigocheatsheet.com does not. I kept this in bigoquiz.com. Curiously, bigoref.com doesn’t have entries for regular Tries (Prefix Trees), or Suffix Trees. I added them to bigoquiz.com, though I’m not completely sure about the various best/worst/average time/space complexities.
  • bigoref.com uses the term “indexing” where bigocheatsheet.com uses “access”. I’ve stuck with “access” for bigoquiz.com.
  • bigoref.com splits array into Basic Array and Dynamic Array, not allowing insertion or deletion in a Basic Array. I don’t find the distinction useful, so I kept it as just Array in bigoquiz.com.

GWTP: Model/View/Presenter for GWT with GIN/GUICE dependency injection

I’ve building a new website project with GWT, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to try GWTP, which provides an MVP framework for GWT. I’ve previously used bare GWT to do much the same thing while developing OnlineGlom, but I hoped it could be easier. Both are really for structuring client-side UI and behaviour.

Once you’ve got your GWT application built, you can almost forget how difficult it was to create the basic structure. So I’ve taken the time to describe both the old (GWT) way and the new (GWTP) way of doing things to remind myself how much better life is with GWTP. I mostly just discuss how the activities/presenters and views interact in the two systems. You would need to learn a bit more to write a full application. If you are familiar with GWT, you might skip to the GWTP section.

You’ll see that, even with GWTP, the code is far from concise, but that’s hard to avoid completely with Java, particularly when trying to split code into Presenters and Views, and splitting implementation and interface. Overall, I really wish that GWTP was just part of GWT with the old GWT Activities deprecated. Then people could focus on this one right way of doing things, and making it even better.

For GWT, I refer to my old OnlineGlom project. For GWTP, I refer to the little murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example project I created recently.

GWT: Activities/Views/Places

GWT provides the Activities and Places framework, and suggests you create Views for your UI. That page has a good overview and explanation, but I’ll go over the parts here too.


GWT’s Activities and Places framework is mixed up with GWT’s history support, which lets the different states of your application have URLs that can appear in browser bookmarks and history. That’s how we have a “history token”, which describes a Place.

For instance, for each main location in your app, you would have SomethingPlace, extending GWT’s Place. Here’s an example from OnlineGlom: DetailsPlace is for a page that shows the details from a database record.

The @Prefix(details) annotation on its Tokenizer tells GWT that this place can handle URLs that begin with/ #/details, such as http:://onlineglom.something.com/#/details?table=things?primaryKey=123. The Place class takes the place’s parameters in its constructor and stores them. Those parameters usually refer to the ?something=blah parameters in the URLs.

getPlace() constructs a Place object from a token (mostly a URL), and getToken() constructs a token from a Place object. There isn’t any convenience API to avoid the tedious splitting and concatenation of strings, though we created a couple of helper methods for this in OnlineGlom.


Each place in your app will have an Activity, whose constructor will take an instance of your derived Place class. For instance, in OnlineGlom, the DetailsActivity takes a DetailsPlace. The Activity can use the Place’s getter methods to discover what the URL’s parameters have specified.

Your app will derive an ActivityMapper that maps the places to the Activities. For instance, in OnlineGlom, our DataActivityMapper‘s getActivity() method instantiates a DetailsActivity when it gets a DetailsPlace.

You’ll pass your ActivityMapper when creating an ActivityManager. For instance, in OnlineGlom, we create an ActivityManager that takes our DataActivityMapper. You’ll then call setDisplay() on your ActivityManager, passing an AcceptsOneWidget that will be used to show your activitity’s View.

This is already a lot of boilerplate code for some basic functionality.


Each place has a View. You’ll have one view interface and at least one implementation of that interface. For instance, OnlineGlom has its DetailsView interface and its DetailsViewImpl class that implements that interface. Your Activity can call methods on the view to make it show appropriate UI for the Activity’s state.

GWT has no base View class or interface, though we created a base View class for OnlineGlom, which has a View.Presenter interface implemented by all the Activities. Each Activity can then call setPresenter(this) on the view, giving the view a way to respond back to the Activity, such as telling the Activity that the user has clicked on something that should take the user to a new location.

Your ClientFactoryImpl, which implements your ClientFactory interface, instantiates the view implementation based on the view interface. For instance, OnlineGlom’s ClientFactoryImpl creates a DetailsViewImpl when asked for a DetailsView.

Your Activity takes your ClientFactory and uses it to create its View. For instance, in OnlineGlom’s DetailsActivity constructor, which was itself called by the DetailsActivityManager that I mentioned earlier. The actual ClientFactoryImpl is instantiated by a call to GWT.create(ClientFactory.class), using the ClientFactory to ClientFactoryImpl mapping in a .gwt.xml file. For instance, in OnlineGlom.gwt.xml:

<!-- Use ClientFactoryImpl by default -->
<replace-with class="org.glom.web.client.ClientFactoryImpl">
  <when-type-is class="org.glom.web.client.ClientFactory" />

In theory, you might want different implementations of your View interface for different devices. Maybe you’d have DetailsViewMobileImpl, for instance, but that’s not a technique that I’ve personally found useful. However, allowing multiple implementations of the View also allows testing of your Activity by mocking the View,  letting you test logic without having to test UI behaviour at the same time.

Again, you can see that you have to implement lots of repetitive boilerplate code and you might wonder why you need to bother.

GWTP: Presenters/Views/Places

GWTP uses Presenters rather than Activities, but they are much the same thing: code that tells your UI View what to do without telling the UI View how to do it. But GWTP requires less repetitive code, by using dependency injection with GIN (GUICE for GWT) to tie the pieces together.

If you are returning to Java after some time away then Dependency Injection is your Tirimasu. This Google I/O 2009: Big Modular Java with GUICE talk seems to be an excellent introduction to dependency injection in general, and dependency injection with GUICE.

For instance, this lets us add a parameter to a constructor, and as long as the constructor has the @Inject annotation, and as long as we’ve told GIN (or GUICE) what implementation types to use, GIN (or GUICE) can end up calling that constructor with an appropriate instance for the parameter.


WIth GWTP, you don’t need to implement any actual Place classes. Instead, you just use the @NameToken annotation on your Presenter’s proxy (declared via the @ProxyStandard annotation). For instance, in murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s ThingPresenter:

interface MyProxy extends ProxyPlace {

That NameTokens.THING is just a string constant that I’ve put together with the others.


Your Presenter should derive from GWTP’s Presenter, which is a generic class that takes your View interface and your Proxy interface.

For instance in murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s ThingPresenter:

public class ThingPresenter
  extends Presenter<ThingPresenter.MyView, ThingPresenter.MyProxy>

The presenters’s prepareFromRequest() override uses simple getParameter() calls to get the URL’s parameters, without the need for a separate Place class and manual string parsing. For instance, in ThingPresenter’s prepareFromRequest():

public void prepareFromRequest(final PlaceRequest request) {
  final String thingId =
    request.getParameter(NameTokens.THING_PARAM_THING_ID, null);


Your View should extend GWTP’s ViewImpl and implement your Presenter’s View interface. For instance:

public class ThingView
  extends ViewImpl
  implements ThingPresenter.MyView

However, you will very often want to derive instead from GWTP’s ViewWithUiHandlers, specifying a small UiHandlers interface you’ve created, so your View can notify its presenter about user interaction. For instance, in murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s ThingView:

public class ThingView
  extends ViewWithUiHandlers<ThingUserEditUiHandlers>
  implements ThingPresenter.MyView {

That ThingUserEditUiHandler should also be implemented by the presenter. For instance, in ThingPresenter:

public class ThingPresenter
  extends Presenter<ThingPresenter.MyView, ThingPresenter.MyProxy>
  implements ThingUserEditUiHandlers {

And your presenters’s View interface should extend HasUiHandlers. For instance, in ThingPresenter:

interface MyView
  extends View,
  HasUiHandlers<ThingUserEditUiHandlers> {

The View can then indirectly call a method on the presenter like so:


However, you must first call your view’s setUIHandler() from your presenters constructor, like so:



Each Presenter/View should have a Module. For instance, murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s ThingModule links the presenter and view together like so:

public class ThingModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
  protected void configure() {

These sub-modules would then be combined in one module for the whole application. For instance:

public class ApplicationModule extends AbstractPresenterModule
  protected void configure() {
    install(new ThingModule());
    install(new UserProfileModule());

This is where you can control the dependency injection. By providing a different ApplicationModule or different sub-modules, you can cause different implementations to be instantiated. For instance, to create mock Views.

Events: Communication Between Presenters

You application might have several nested presenters on a page, so one presenter might need to respond to a change to another presenter. GWTP lets us do this by defining our own GwtEvent. For instance,  murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s ThingUserAddedEvent:

public class ThingUserAnswerAddedEvent
extends GwtEvent<ThingUserAnswerAddedEvent.EventHandler> {

One presenter may then fire that event, by calling its fire() method, providing any parameters needed by the event.

A presenter may handle the event by implementing your event’s EventHandler interface. For instance, in murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example’s UserHistoryRecentPresenter:

public class UserHistoryRecentPresenter
  extends PresenterWidget<UserHistoryRecentPresenter.MyView>
  implements ThingUserAnswerAddedEvent.EventHandler {

And then registering the presenter as a handler for the event, with GWTP’s addRegisteredHandler(). For instance in UserHistoryRecentPresenter’s constructor:

addRegisteredHandler(ThingUserAnswerAddedEvent.TYPE, this);

You must also use GWTP’s @ProxyEvent annotation (see this too) on the handler method:

public void onThingUserAnswerAdded(final ThingUserAnswerAddedEvent event) {


Simple GWTP and Objectify example with Maven

I’ve been playing with GWTP (an MVP framework for GWT) and Google’s AppEngine (via Objectify). I prefer to use the Maven build system. So I created a simple small example that does this: murrayc-gwtp-appengine-example. Improvements are very welcome. I’d like to learn how the code should be improved.

In case it’s interesting to anyone, here’s why I wanted this little example to exist:


The official GWT website’s equivalent StockWatcher example/documentation does not demonstrate best practices. It:

There is official GWT sample code that uses maven and Objectify, but it’s all mixed up with other stuff and I wanted something much simpler.

There is also an official GWT MVP example from 2010 hidden away, but it’s not in git and I didn’t even find it until I started writing this.


Objectify’s documentation seems pretty good now that I look at it again, though I struggled at first. I think Google (and StackExchange) kept taking me to example code that used one of the various older versions of the API.

Oddly, Objectify’s documentation suggests that you use objectify-gwt with GWT. but objectify-gwt doesn’t seem to have any documentation and I didn’t seem to need it myself.


The official GWTP website’s documentation is rather scattered, with several simple typos that make its example code snippets inconsistent with each other. The documentation seems to have been restructured from some other source. For instance, several internal links don’t take you to what is apparently intended. Some internal links take you to the page itself.  Lots of the best documentation is spread across their blog posts, but not brought together properly. They do at least show use of maven in their beginner’s GWTP example. but that example code itself is not in version control as a real project. GWTP is a nice clean API that deserves better.

Of course, it is incredibly hard to describe source code in documentation and keep that documentation and source code up to date and in sync. It needs a system. It never works if you just put the source code inline where no compiler can touch it. Although it’s nice to show source code inline (ideally taken automatically from a real source file), you also need links to the real source code so people can see the latest version.

OnlineGlom: Slightly Saner Logins

The OnlineGlom demo does not require a login. However, the code does let you set up a server that requires a login, and I noticed that a successful login for one person became a login for everybody else. So after the first login, it was as if no login was required for anybody. Yes, really. Of course, this would not do.

So I fixed that, I think, learning some things about Java Servlet sessions along the way. This text is mostly for my own reference, and so that people can tell me how wrong I am, because I’d like to know about that.

In the server-side code

Java servlets already set a JSESSIONID cookie in the browser, but you shouldn’t try to use that cookie to maintain a login across browser sessions. Instead, I now set and get a custom Cookie, in the server code, using javax.servlet.http.Cookie. HttpSession.getId() conveniently provides a unique-enough session ID for me to use in the Cookie. This page about Cookies with GWT seems to suggest setting the cookie in the client-side JavaScript code, using com.google.gwt.user.client.Cookies, but that sounds rather wrong.

I now store the username and password (Yes, that’s not good, so keep reading), associated with the session ID, in a structure that’s associated with the ServletContext, via the javax.servlet.ServletContext.setAttribute() method. I get the ServletContext via the ServletConfig.getServletContext() method. I believe that this single instance is available to the entire web “app”, and it seems to work across my various servlets. For instance, if I login to view a regular page, the images servlet can also then provide images to show in the page. I’d really like to know if this is not the right thing to do.

However, it still stores your PostgreSQL username and password in memory, so it can use it again if you have the cookie from your last successful login. It does not store the password on disk, but that is still not good, because it could presumably still allow someone to steal all the passwords after a breakin, which would then endanger users who use the same password on other website. I cannot easily avoid this because it’s the PostgreSQL username and password that I’m using for login. PostgreSQL does store a hash rather than the plaintext password, but still requires the plaintext password to be supplied to it. I think I’ll have to generate PostgreSQL passwords and hide them behind a separate login username/password. Those passwords will still be stored in plaintext, but we won’t be storing the password entered by the user. I’d like to make this generic enough that I can use other authentication systems, such as Google’s for App Engine.

To avoid session hijacking, I made the cookie “secure”, meaning that it may only be provided via a secure protocol, such as HTTP. I believe this also means that client (javascript) code is not allowed to read it, so it can only be read by the server via HTTP(S). I did that with the javax.servlet.http.Cookie.setSecure() method, though I had to make a build change to make that available.

The login servlet now checks that it has been called via HTTPS, by using the ServletRequest.isSecure() method, and uses HTTPS when testing via mvn gwt:run. It refuses to do any authentication if HTTPS was not used, logging an error on the server.

In the client side code

I added a check for what protocol is used. If it’s not https then I warn that login cannot work. This does not add any security, but it’s a helpful hint.

Actually, the entire site must therefore be served via HTTPS, not just the login page, or we would violate the Same Origin Policy by mixing protocols, which the browser would rightfully complain about. At this point I noticed that most serious sites with logins now use HTTPS for their entire site. For instance, Google, Amazon, Facebook. This seems like a good simple rule, though I wonder if many projects don’t enforce it just to make debugging easier.

I also converted the popup login dialog into a proper login page, making sure that it takes the user to the desired page afterwards.

Online Glom: Image fields

I found some work in one of my old branches and cleaned it up, so now OnlineGlom supports image fields too.

Online Glom with an image field

As usual, it was far more work than seemed necessary. GWT’s Image widget is not much more than a wrapper around the HTML <img> tag, so I had to create a separate service, with the same authentication system, to serve image data and invent a URL syntax to refer to the images from the database. It is certainly easier with GTK+ code on the desktop, even when delivering the image data asynchronously. This feels like something that a web progamming system should take care of, even if this is what happens behind the scenes. I wonder if any do.

Next, I want to make sure that OnlineGlom can handle tables whose primary keys are not numeric, because we’ve been hard-coding that in a few places. Then I hope I can start the big job of supporting data editing.

Online Glom is now all Java

Over the last couple of weeks I have reimplemented just enough of the C++ libglom code as Java in Online Glom‘s gwt-glom, removing the need for java-libglom (which wrapped libglom for Java via SWIG). It’s now working and deployed on the Online Glom test server.

This makes both development and deployment much easier. It also made the source code all camelCase so it’s not offensive to the eyes of Java coders.

To replace libglom’s use of GdaSqlBuilder, I used jOOQ. That worked well, thanks to its maintainer, Lukas Eder, who was very helpful and who quickly added some API that I needed.

Now that the code is all Java I really hope that more people will look over the code and point out anything that can be improved. I still don’t know Java like I know C++ so please don’t be shy about telling me that I have made mistakes.

GWT, Javascript, and serialization

Removing the use of java-libglom let me simplify the code, because I can now send object, such as LayoutItem, to the client without needing to copy it into a separate LayoutItemDTO object that existed just because the original wasn’t serializable, so it could be sent from the server (Java) to the client (JavaScript, compiled from Java).

However, this raised some new issues. I wanted some of the objects to contain some extra cached data, so that the client code did not have to calculate it itself, often by retrieving some other related object. Right now these are extra member variables in the classes, but that prevents me from splitting the code off into a new java-glom library.

Furthermore, any class that is sent between the client and server must fully conform to the requirements of the GWT Java-to-JavaScript compiler, even if that method will not actually be run on the server. For instance, I tried to add clone() methods, for use on the server, but that broke the JavaScript compilation because it doesn’t have an equivalent for Object.clone().

Those restrictions on the Java code that is allowable on the client side (because it will be compiled to JavaScript) were particularly awkward when the compiler (or Maven, or something) refused to give me clues about what was wrong. For instance, it took me 2 frustrating days to fix this small error by breaking the code apart until only the problem code remained. At other times, there was no real error on stdout, but there were clues (in a variety of hard-to-read formats) in the HTML generated by mvn site. Or sometimes, I could see errors when building inside Eclipse, but not outside.

The GWT system works great, but something is inconsistent about how it shows errors, and it can’t be right that some compilation errors only show up when running, rather than when building.

Next steps

As much as I would like to move on to implementing editing, I need to spend some time now on getting some regression tests set up in the maven build. These must create and run temporary PostgreSQL database instances like I do in the Glom autotools build. For instance, I need to check that the new SQL-building code, using jOOQ, is really safe from SQL injection like the libglom code seems to be.

My recent changes also caused the OnlineGlomService async API to be particularly inefficient, sometimes sending far more data back to the server than should be necessary. I will try to avoid that and try to make this API smaller, to avoid so many round trips.

Online Glom: Deployment

Today I deployed the latest Online Glom (gwt-glom) on a new Amazon AWS instance of Ubuntu Precise, again connecting Apache with Tomcat. This time I took notes about exactly how I did it. I wonder if this is something that I should put in a Puppet configuration (I have never used Puppet).

It took me a while to figure this out last time, but now it’s clearer to me. However, I still don’t know how to avoid the need for the /OnlineGlom/ suffix in the URL.

Online Glom: Reports

Over the last few weeks, in occasional spare moments, I have added report generation to Online Glom. It kind of works now, using the regular report definitions from the existing .glom files, and generating reports that look much like the reports in the desktop Glom version. I deployed this at onlineglom.openismus.com/OnlineGlom/ .

I used JasperReports for this, writing some code to map Glom’s report structure to the JasperReports structure. I chose JasperReports mostly based on its popularity. There are various tools and libraries that use it and the JasperSoft company seems to be very successful by supporting it.

However, I will probably replace JasperReports with some custom code instead, because:

  • The JasperReports API is almost completely undocumented. I figured out what to do only by looking at various snippets of code from random places. The project seems to focus on the use of visual tools to build report designs, rather than the use of a generic API by such tools.
  • JasperReports demands absolute positioning, with no automatic layout, and that will never make sense for HTML.

I will try the DynamicJasper wrapper/helper before abandoning JasperReports, but I don’t see how it can avoid the fundamental problem of absolute positioning.