Yesterday I released version 2.99.2 of libsigc++-3.0. This changes the declaration syntax for sigc::slot and sigc::signal to use the same style as std::function, which was added in C++11. We don’t want to be arbitrarily and unnecessarily different.
We’ve also simplified sigc::mem_fun() to always take a reference, instead of either a reference or a pointer.
So, where you might do this for libsigc++-2.0:
sigc::slot<void, int, A> slot = sigc::mem_fun(this, &Thing::on_something);
signal<void, int, A> m_signal;
You would now do this for libsigc++-3.0.
sigc::slot<void(int, A)> slot = sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Thing::on_something);
signal<void(int, A)> m_signal;
Actually, as of version 2.9.1 of libsigc++-2.0, you can use both syntaxes with libsigc++-2.0, allowing you some time to adapt to the new API before one day moving to libsigc++-3.0.